διαδραστικό κατανεμημένο περιβάλλον επικοινωνίας κατά τη ζωντανή μουσική εκτέλεση

distributed interactive communication environment for live music performance


Επιστημονικές Ανακοινώσεις & Δημοσιεύσεις

  • Alexandraki C., Akoumianakis D., Exploring New Perspectives in Network Music Performance: The DIAMOUSES Framework, Computer Music Journal, 34(2), 2010, pp. 66-83.

  • Alexandraki C., Valsamakis N. (2008) “Enabling Virtual Music Performance Communities”. In: Akoumianakis D., ed. “Virtual Community Practices and Social Interactive Media: Technology Lifecycle and Workflow Analysis”, IGI Global Inc.

  • Akoumianakis D., Vellis G., Milolidakis I., Kotsalis D., Alexandraki C. (2008) “Distributed collective practices in collaborative music performance”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts (DIMEA 2008), pp. 368-375, 10-12 September 2008, Athens, Greece.

  • Alexandraki C., Koutlemanis P., Gasteratos P., Valsamakis N., Akoumianakis D., Milolidakis G., Vellis G., Kotsalis D. (2008) “Towards the implementation of a generic platform for networked music performance: The DIAMOUSES approach”, Proceedings of the ICMC 2008 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2008), pp. 251-258, 24-29 August 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

  • Alexandraki C., Koutlemanis P., Gasteratos P., Akoumianakis D., Milolidakis G., Vellis G., Kotsalis D. (2008). “DIAMOUSES: An experimental platform for network-based collaborative musical interactions”, Proceedings of the ICEIS 2008 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pp. 30-37, 12-16 June 2008, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Alexandraki C., Kalantzis I. (2007). “Requirements and Application Scenarios in the Context of Network Based Music Collaboration”, Proceedings of the AXMEDIS 2007 Conference i-maestro workshop, pp. 39-46, 28-30 November 2007, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Τζεδάκη Κ., Αλεξανδράκη Χ., Κουτλεμάνης Π., Γαστεράτος Π., 'Σύνθεση live ηλεκτοακουστικής μουσικής με χρήση δικτυακά διασυνδεδεμένων ηχοτοπίων: Αισθητικά και τεχνικά θέματα', 1o Συνέδριο Ακουστικής Οικολογίας, Κέρκυρα, Νοέμβριος 2007