2016 |
E. Kaselouris, E. Skarvelakis, I.K. Nikolos, G.E. Stavroulakis, Y. Orphanos, E. Bakarezos, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, and V. Dimitriou, Simulation of the transient behavior of matter with characteristic geometrical variations and defects irradiated by nanosecond laser pulses using FEA, Key Engineering Materials 665, 157 (2016). |
E. Kaselouris, I.K. Nikolos, Y. Orphanos, M. Bakarezos, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, and V. Dimitriou, Elastoplastic study of nanosecond-pulsed laser interaction with metallic films using 3D multiphysics fem modeling, International Journal of Damage Mechanics 25, 42 (2016). |
Alexandraki C. & Bader R. (2016): Anticipatory Networked Communications for Live Musical Interactions of Acoustic Instruments, Journal of New Music Research, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09298215.2015.1131990 |
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis. Large Aperture Optoelectronic Devices to Record and Time-stamp Insects’ Wingbeats, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016 (accepted). |
P. Eliopoulos, I. Potamitis, D. Kontodimas, Estimation of population density of stored grain pests via bioacoustic detection, Crop Protection, Volume 85, July 2016, Pages 71-78, ISSN 0261-2194, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2016.04.001. |
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis. Measuring the fundamental frequency and the harmonic properties of the wingbeat of a large number of mosquitoes in flight using 2D optoacoustic sensors, Applied Acoustics, 2016 Applied Acoustics, Volume 109, August 2016, Pages 54-60, ISSN 0003-682X, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.apacoust.2016.03.005. |
Detection of Adult Beetles Inside the Stored Wheat Mass Based on Their Acoustic Emissions PA Eliopoulos, I Potamitis, DC Kontodimas, EG Givropoulou, Journal of economic entomology 108 (6), 2808-2814 |
otamitis, I. Rigakis. Large Aperture Optoelectronic Devices to Record and Time-stamp Insects’ Wingbeats, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016 (minor revision). |
2015 |
V. Dimitriou, E. Kaselouris, Y. Orphanos, M. Bakarezos, N. Vainos, I.K. Nikolos, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, The thermo-mechanical behavior of thin metal films under nanosecond laser pulse excitation above the thermoelastic regime, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 118, 739 (2015). |
E. Tzianaki, M. Bakarezos, G.D. Tsibidis, Y. Orphanos, P.A. Loukakos, C. Kosmidis, P. Patsalas, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, High acoustic strains in Si through ultrafast laser excitation of Ti thin-film transducers, Optics Express 23, 17191 (2015). |
Zervas P. & Alexandraki C. (2015). “Facilitating Open Source Software and Standards to Assembly a Platform for Networked Music Performance”. In: Kanelopoulos D., ed. Emerging Research on Networked Multimedia Communication Systems, IGI Global Inc., pp. 334-365 |
P.A. Eliopoulos, I. Potamitis, D.Ch. Kontodimas, E.G. Givropoulou, Detection of adult beetles inside the stored wheat mass based on their acoustic emissions, Journal of Economic Entomology, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jee/tov231, 5 August 2015. |
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, K. Fysarakis (2015) Insect Biometrics: Optoacoustic Signal Processing and Its Applications to Remote Monitoring of McPhail Type Traps. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0140474. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140474. |
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, Smart traps for automatic remote monitoring of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Peerj Preprints, 2015. |
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, Novel Noise-Robust Optoacoustic Sensors to Identify Insects Through Wingbeats, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.15, no.8, pp.4621,4631, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2424924 |
I. Potamitis. Unsupervised dictionary extraction of bird vocalisations and new tools on assessing and visualising bird activity, Ecological Informatics, vol. 26, part 3, March 2015, pp. 6-17, ISSN 1574-9541, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015 .01.002 |
2014 |
VA. Skoulakis, G.C. Androulakis, E.L. Clark, S.M. Hassan, P. Lee, J. Chatzakis, M. Bakarezos, V. Dimitriou, C. Petridis, N.A. Papadogiannis, and M. Tatarakis, A portable pulsed neutron generator, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 27, 1460127 (2014). |
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, K.Fysarakis. The Electronic McPhail Trap. Sensors 2014, 14, 22285-22299 |
I. Potamitis, S. Ntalampiras, O. Jahn, K. Riede, Automatic bird sound detection in long real-field recordings: Applications and tools, Applied Acoustics, Volume 80, 2014, pp. 1-9, ISSN 0003-682X, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2014.01.001. |
I. Potamitis, Classifying insects on the fly, Ecological Informatics, Volume 21, May 2014, Pages 40-49, ISSN 1574-9541, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2013.11.005. |
I. Potamitis (2014) Automatic Classification of a Taxon-Rich Community Recorded in the Wild. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96936. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096936 |
2013 |
V. Dimitriou, E. Kaselouris, Y. Orphanos, M. Bakarezos, N. Vainos, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, Three dimensional transient behavior of thin films surface under pulsed laser excitation, Applied Physics Letters 103, 114104 (2013). |
Y. Orphanos, V. Dimitriou, E. Kaselouris, E. Bakarezos, N. Vainos, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, An integrated method for material properties characterization based on pulsed laser generated surface acoustic waves, Microelectronic Engineering 112, 249 (2013). |
E. Kaselouris, I.K. Nikolos, Y. Orphanos, E. Bakarezos, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, and V. Dimitriou, A review of simulation methods of laser matter interactions focused on nanosecond laser pulsed systems, Journal of Multiscale Modelling 5, 1330001 (2013). |
P. Zervas, “Prosodic Boundary Prediction for Greek Speech Synthesis”, Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 4, Pages 61-74, DOI:10.12691/jcsa-1-4-2 |
2012 |
E.P. Benis, M. Bakarezos, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, S. Divanis, C. Broin, and L.A.A. Nikolopoulos, Role of broadband-laser-pulse temporal extent in photodissociation, Physical Review A 86, 043428 (2012). |
E. Bakarezos, V. Vathis, S. Brezas, Y. Orphanos, and N.A. Papadogiannis, Acoustics of the Chelys – An ancient Greek tortoise-shell lyre, Applied Acoustics 73, 478 (2012). |
Akoumianakis, D., & Alexandraki, C. (2012): Collective Practices in Common Information Spaces: Insight from Two Case Studies, Human-Computer Interaction Journal, 27(4): 311-351 |
Zervas P. & Alexandraki C. (2012). “The Realisation of Online Music Services through Intelligent Computing”. In: Kanelopoulos D., ed. Intelligent Multimedia Technologies for Networking Applications: Techniques and Tools, IGI Global Inc., pp. 291-317 |
S. Ntalampiras, I. Potamitis, and N. Fakotakis, “Acoustic detection of human activities in natural environments”, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2012. |
2011 |
A. Willner, F. Tavella, M. Yeung, T. Dzelzainis, C. Kamperidis, M. Bakarezos, D. Adams, R. Riedel, M. Schulz, M.C. Hoffmann, W. Hu, J. Rossbach, M. Drescherh, V.S. Yakovlev, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, B. Dromey, and M. Zepf, Efficient control of quantum paths via dual-gas high harmonic generation, New Journal of Physics 13, 113001 (2011). |
A. Willner, F. Tavella, M. Yeung, T. Dzelzainis, C. Kamperidis, M. Bakarezos, D. Adams, M. Schulz, R. Riedel, M.C. Hoffmann, W. Hu, J. Rossbach, M. Drescher, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, B. Dromey, and M. Zepf, Coherent control of high harmonic generation via dual-gas multijet arrays, Physical Review Letters 107, 175002 (2011). |
A. Willner, M. Schulz, R. Riedel, M. Yeung, T. Dzelzainis, C. Kamperidis, M. Bakarezos, D. Adams, V. Yakovlev, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, B. Dromey, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, S. Düsterer, S. Schreiber, B. Faatz, M. Drescher, J. Rossbach, M. Zepf, and F. Tavella, A new XUV-source for seeding a FEL at high repetition rates, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8075, 80750L (2011). |
S. Ntalampiras, I. Potamitis, and N. Fakotakis, “Probabilistic novelty detection for acoustic surveillance under real-world conditions”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 13, No. 4, August 2011. |
S. Ntalampiras, I. Potamitis, and N. Fakotakis, “Practical system for acoustic surveillance of hazardous situations”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tolls (IJAIT), Vol. No.20, Issue No. 1, pp. 119-137, 2011. |
S. M. Hassan, E.L. Clark, C. Petridis, G. C. Androulakis, J. Chatzakis, P. Lee, N. A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, “Filamentary structure of current sheath in miniature plasma focus” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39, 2432 (2011) |
E. L. Clark, C. Kamperidis, N. A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, “Issues of the HiPER fundamental science programme” SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8080, 80802C (2011) |