Articles in International Journals, Edited Volumes and Books


E. Kaselouris, E. Skarvelakis, I.K. Nikolos, G.E. Stavroulakis, Y. Orphanos, E. Bakarezos, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, and V. Dimitriou, Simulation of the transient behavior of matter with characteristic geometrical variations and defects irradiated by nanosecond laser pulses using FEA, Key Engineering Materials 665, 157 (2016).
E. Kaselouris, I.K. Nikolos, Y. Orphanos, M. Bakarezos, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, and V. Dimitriou, Elastoplastic study of nanosecond-pulsed laser interaction with metallic films using 3D multiphysics fem modeling, International Journal of Damage Mechanics 25, 42 (2016).
Alexandraki C. & Bader R. (2016): Anticipatory Networked Communications for Live Musical Interactions of Acoustic Instruments, Journal of New Music Research, doi:
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis. Large Aperture Optoelectronic Devices to Record and Time-stamp Insects’ Wingbeats, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016 (accepted).
P. Eliopoulos, I. Potamitis, D. Kontodimas, Estimation of population density of stored grain pests via bioacoustic detection, Crop Protection, Volume 85, July 2016, Pages 71-78, ISSN 0261-2194,
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis. Measuring the fundamental frequency and the harmonic properties of the wingbeat of a large number of mosquitoes in flight using 2D optoacoustic sensors, Applied Acoustics, 2016 Applied Acoustics, Volume 109, August 2016, Pages 54-60, ISSN 0003-682X, j.apacoust.2016.03.005.
Detection of Adult Beetles Inside the Stored Wheat Mass Based on Their Acoustic Emissions PA Eliopoulos, I Potamitis, DC Kontodimas, EG Givropoulou, Journal of economic entomology 108 (6), 2808-2814
otamitis, I. Rigakis. Large Aperture Optoelectronic Devices to Record and Time-stamp Insects’ Wingbeats, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016 (minor revision).


V. Dimitriou, E. Kaselouris, Y. Orphanos, M. Bakarezos, N. Vainos, I.K. Nikolos, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, The thermo-mechanical behavior of thin metal films under nanosecond laser pulse excitation above the thermoelastic regime, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 118, 739 (2015).
E. Tzianaki, M. Bakarezos, G.D. Tsibidis, Y. Orphanos, P.A. Loukakos, C. Kosmidis, P. Patsalas, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, High acoustic strains in Si through ultrafast laser excitation of Ti thin-film transducers, Optics Express 23, 17191 (2015).
Zervas P. & Alexandraki C. (2015). “Facilitating Open Source Software and Standards to Assembly a Platform for Networked Music Performance”. In: Kanelopoulos D., ed. Emerging Research on Networked Multimedia Communication Systems, IGI Global Inc., pp. 334-365
P.A. Eliopoulos, I. Potamitis, D.Ch. Kontodimas, E.G. Givropoulou, Detection of adult beetles inside the stored wheat mass based on their acoustic emissions, Journal of Economic Entomology, DOI:, 5 August 2015.
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, K. Fysarakis (2015) Insect Biometrics: Optoacoustic Signal Processing and Its Applications to Remote Monitoring of McPhail Type Traps. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0140474. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140474.
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, Smart traps for automatic remote monitoring of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Peerj Preprints, 2015.
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, Novel Noise-Robust Optoacoustic Sensors to Identify Insects Through Wingbeats, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.15, no.8, pp.4621,4631, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2424924
I. Potamitis. Unsupervised dictionary extraction of bird vocalisations and new tools on assessing and visualising bird activity, Ecological Informatics, vol. 26, part 3, March 2015, pp. 6-17, ISSN 1574-9541, .01.002


VA. Skoulakis, G.C. Androulakis, E.L. Clark, S.M. Hassan, P. Lee, J. Chatzakis, M. Bakarezos, V. Dimitriou, C. Petridis, N.A. Papadogiannis, and M. Tatarakis, A portable pulsed neutron generator, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 27, 1460127 (2014).
I. Potamitis, I. Rigakis, K.Fysarakis. The Electronic McPhail Trap. Sensors 2014, 14, 22285-22299
I. Potamitis, S. Ntalampiras, O. Jahn, K. Riede, Automatic bird sound detection in long real-field recordings: Applications and tools, Applied Acoustics, Volume 80, 2014, pp. 1-9, ISSN 0003-682X,
I. Potamitis, Classifying insects on the fly, Ecological Informatics, Volume 21, May 2014, Pages 40-49, ISSN 1574-9541,
I. Potamitis (2014) Automatic Classification of a Taxon-Rich Community Recorded in the Wild. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96936. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096936


V. Dimitriou, E. Kaselouris, Y. Orphanos, M. Bakarezos, N. Vainos, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, Three dimensional transient behavior of thin films surface under pulsed laser excitation, Applied Physics Letters 103, 114104 (2013).
Y. Orphanos, V. Dimitriou, E. Kaselouris, E. Bakarezos, N. Vainos, M. Tatarakis, and N.A. Papadogiannis, An integrated method for material properties characterization based on pulsed laser generated surface acoustic waves, Microelectronic Engineering 112, 249 (2013).
E. Kaselouris, I.K. Nikolos, Y. Orphanos, E. Bakarezos, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, and V. Dimitriou, A review of simulation methods of laser matter interactions focused on nanosecond laser pulsed systems, Journal of Multiscale Modelling 5, 1330001 (2013).
P. Zervas, “Prosodic Boundary Prediction for Greek Speech Synthesis”, Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 4, Pages 61-74, DOI:10.12691/jcsa-1-4-2


E.P. Benis, M. Bakarezos, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, S. Divanis, C. Broin, and L.A.A. Nikolopoulos, Role of broadband-laser-pulse temporal extent in photodissociation, Physical Review A 86, 043428 (2012).
E. Bakarezos, V. Vathis, S. Brezas, Y. Orphanos, and N.A. Papadogiannis, Acoustics of the Chelys – An ancient Greek tortoise-shell lyre, Applied Acoustics 73, 478 (2012).
Akoumianakis, D., & Alexandraki, C. (2012): Collective Practices in Common Information Spaces: Insight from Two Case Studies, Human-Computer Interaction Journal, 27(4): 311-351
Zervas P. & Alexandraki C. (2012). “The Realisation of Online Music Services through Intelligent Computing”. In: Kanelopoulos D., ed. Intelligent Multimedia Technologies for Networking Applications: Techniques and Tools, IGI Global Inc., pp. 291-317
S. Ntalampiras, I. Potamitis, and N. Fakotakis, “Acoustic detection of human activities in natural environments”, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2012.


A. Willner, F. Tavella, M. Yeung, T. Dzelzainis, C. Kamperidis, M. Bakarezos, D. Adams, R. Riedel, M. Schulz, M.C. Hoffmann, W. Hu, J. Rossbach, M. Drescherh, V.S. Yakovlev, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, B. Dromey, and M. Zepf, Efficient control of quantum paths via dual-gas high harmonic generation, New Journal of Physics 13, 113001 (2011).
A. Willner, F. Tavella, M. Yeung, T. Dzelzainis, C. Kamperidis, M. Bakarezos, D. Adams, M. Schulz, R. Riedel, M.C. Hoffmann, W. Hu, J. Rossbach, M. Drescher, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, B. Dromey, and M. Zepf, Coherent control of high harmonic generation via dual-gas multijet arrays, Physical Review Letters 107, 175002 (2011).
A. Willner, M. Schulz, R. Riedel, M. Yeung, T. Dzelzainis, C. Kamperidis, M. Bakarezos, D. Adams, V. Yakovlev, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, B. Dromey, N.A. Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, S. Düsterer, S. Schreiber, B. Faatz, M. Drescher, J. Rossbach, M. Zepf, and F. Tavella, A new XUV-source for seeding a FEL at high repetition rates, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8075, 80750L (2011).
S. Ntalampiras, I. Potamitis, and N. Fakotakis, “Probabilistic novelty detection for acoustic surveillance under real-world conditions”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 13, No. 4, August 2011.
S. Ntalampiras, I. Potamitis, and N. Fakotakis, “Practical system for acoustic surveillance of hazardous situations”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tolls (IJAIT), Vol. No.20, Issue No. 1, pp. 119-137, 2011.
S. M. Hassan, E.L. Clark, C. Petridis, G. C. Androulakis, J. Chatzakis, P. Lee, N. A. Papadogiannis,  M.  Tatarakis, “Filamentary structure of current sheath in miniature plasma focus” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39, 2432 (2011)
E. L. Clark, C. Kamperidis, N. A.  Papadogiannis, M. Tatarakis, “Issues of the HiPER fundamental science programme” SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8080, 80802C (2011)