Professional Preparation:
B.Sc . in Physics
M.Sc. Electronics and Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Electronics and Computer Engineering (Multimedia Services)
Athanasios G. Malamos received Bsc in Physics from the Univeristy of Crete (1992) and Msc and Phd from the Technical University of Crete at 1995 and 2000 respectively. From 1997 to 2002 he was research assistant and researcher in th ICCS National Technical University of Athens. Since 2002 is with Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Dept. of Informatics Engineering (former name of department Applied Informatics and Multimedia), as assistant professor (2002-2006) and associate professor (2006 until present).
Dr. Malamos is head of the Media Networks and Communications Lab, TEI Crete and he has worked as researcher or project coordinator to many EU and National (Hellenic) funded research projects. He is author of 70 research papers (20 in international journals and 50 in international conferences and books.
He is an active member of the WEB3D community and he is leading the Spatial Sound group of interest. His team contributed the spatial sound, the Humanoid and the Physics libraries in X3DOM platform.
He has served as Guest Editor in Graphical Models Journal (Springer), Special Issues Advances in Web3D and in The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. He was also General Chair of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. Dr. Malamos has served as program and organizational committee in several IEEE and ACM international conferences and workshops. He is regular reviewer of IEEE, Springer as well as other international journals.
Dr. Malamos is honored with the ACM Recognition of Service Award and by the WEB3D consortium with recognition of his efforts as a member.
Dr. Malamos has served as member of ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE computer society and of the WEB3D consortium.
His research interests include multimedia services, multimedia semantics, WEB3D, Virtual Reality.
Dr. Malamos is head of the Media Networks and Communications Lab, TEI Crete and he has worked as researcher or project coordinator to many EU and National (Hellenic) funded research projects. He is author of 70 research papers (20 in international journals and 50 in international conferences and books.
He is an active member of the WEB3D community and he is leading the Spatial Sound group of interest. His team contributed the spatial sound, the Humanoid and the Physics libraries in X3DOM platform.
He has served as Guest Editor in Graphical Models Journal (Springer), Special Issues Advances in Web3D and in The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. He was also General Chair of the 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. Dr. Malamos has served as program and organizational committee in several IEEE and ACM international conferences and workshops. He is regular reviewer of IEEE, Springer as well as other international journals.
Dr. Malamos is honored with the ACM Recognition of Service Award and by the WEB3D consortium with recognition of his efforts as a member.
Dr. Malamos has served as member of ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE computer society and of the WEB3D consortium.
His research interests include multimedia services, multimedia semantics, WEB3D, Virtual Reality.
Head of the Department οf Informatics Engineering
Deputy Head of the Department οf Informatics Engineering
Address: Department of Informatics Engineering, School of Engineering, TEI of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, P.O Box: 71500
Tel: 2810-379716, 2810-379795, 2810-379853
Fax: 2810-379717
Tel: 2810-379776