Erasmus Program

Click HERE to visit the official Erasmus webpage.

The TEI of Crete (GR KRITIS 04, 29099) is a 25 year old institution which has undergone continuous growth and development with new departments and its curricula restructured in order to meet the demands dictated by its new, 10-year old University status. We have 20 years of experience in the ERASMUS programme, coordinated by the International Relations Office (IRO) staff, and supported by successive central administrations, who appreciate the value of ERASMUS and the other EU programs we are involved with. We foresee and expect that the LLP-ERASMUS will offer our institution further development of an already successful programme. We have indeed already achieved many of the targets set out in our earlier policy statements and are now actively seeking to expand our horizons even further culturally, geographically and socially.

We have partners in all member countries of the ERASMUS programme and plan our next moves to be towards the West Balkans, the Confederation of Independent States and the Middle Eastern and other Mediterranean countries. We have also successfully collaborated so far in educational programmes with USA and South America (EC/US and ALFA) programmes and are now actively seeking collaboration with institutions in both Asia and Oceania to offer global educational opportunities to our students and staff. We plan to get involved and utilize all the possibilities, opportunities and challenges offered by the new LLP-Erasmus programme.

Our main objectives will be to further expand the already well-established mobility activities for students and staff and try to co-operate in all other partner countries and fields and also to continue to participate in the Intensive Programmes, Leonardo and Grundtvig and organize Intensive Language Programs for incoming students.  

Head of the Department οf Informatics Engineering

Deputy Head of the Department οf Informatics Engineering

Address: Department of Informatics Engineering, School of EngineeringTEI of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, P.O Box: 71500
Tel: 2810-379716, 2810-379795, 2810-379853
Fax: 2810-379717

Tel: 2810-379776