Θέση Διδακτορικού Φοιτητή στη Σχολή Επιστημών Τεχνολογίας του Διεθνούς Πανεπιστημίου της Ελλάδος

One vacancy for PhD studies, immediately available at the School of Science and Technology. Deadline for applications 3/4/15. 

The International Hellenic University will consider granting a compensatory scholarship in cases of academic excellence and provided it is warranted by the candidatea €( TM)s reported income.

Study for a doctoral degree in data mining

The School of Science & Technology of the International Hellenic University (IHU) invites the submission of applications from candidates who are interested in studying for a PhD degree in the field of Data Mining. Applicants should submit the application form and all required documents to the Secretariat of the School of Science & Technology no later than 3 April 2015.

Please see the attachments:

a.        Study for a doctoral degree in data mining <http://www.ihu.edu.gr/attachments/vacancies/doctoral-degree-in-data-mining.pdf
b.        I£I€I?I...I?I­I, I³I?I± I,,I·I½ I±I€IOEI?I,,I·I?I· I?I?I?I±I?I,,I?II?I?I?I I?I?I€I»IZI 1/4 I±I,,I?I, I?I,,I·I½ IμI 3/4 IOEII...I 3/4 I· I³I½IZI?I·I, I±I€IOE I?IμI?I?I 1/4 I­I½I± <http://www.ihu.edu.gr/attachments/vacancies/prokiriksi-gia-didaktorikous-eksoriksis.pdf
c.        Application form <http://www.ihu.edu.gr/attachments/vacancies/IHU_PhD_DATA_MINING_application_form.doc

http://www.ihu.edu.gr/index.php/news-events/item/639-one-vacancy-for-phd-studies,-immediately-available-at-the-school-of-science-and-technology.html <http://www.ihu.edu.gr/attachments/vacancies/IHU_PhD_DATA_MINING_application_form.doc>

Ημ.νια Δημοσίευσης: 
Thursday, February 26, 2015 - 12:00

Head of the Department οf Informatics Engineering
Malamos Athanasio ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, amalamos@hmu.gr

Deputy Head of the Department οf Informatics Engineering
Marias Kostas ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, kmarias@hmu.gr

Address: Department of Informatics Engineering, School of EngineeringTEI of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, P.O Box: 71500
E-mail: secretariat@ie.teicrete.gr
Tel: 2810-379716, 2810-379795, 2810-379853
Fax: 2810-379717
Website: http://www.ie.teicrete.gr

Tel: 2810-379776