Career opportunities
Social work nowadays is a growing profession. Increasing social needs suggest that more tasks are going to be undertaken by social work graduates in the near future.
Social workers work with people from all different types of background and living circumstances with a whole range of individual and social problems. Some of the typical areas of social work practice are as follows:
Areas of social work practice and examples of services |
Family and children' s services
Community care and community development
Delinquency and criminal behaviour
Mental Health Problems
According to the existing Greek legislation social work graduates have diverse career opportunities, as they can be employed in a variety of settings in the statutory, voluntary and private sectors providing social services to individuals, social groups or communities. They can work as private practitioners after completing a five-year professional experience. Among their employment sectors are included: social welfare, physical and mental health, education and special education, social insurance, employment and professional vocation, prevention and therapy of delinquency and criminal behavior, community organization and development, provision of social services in the armed forces.