

The Department, together with the provision of scientific theoretical knowledge, develops workshops independently or in cooperation with social institutions and organizations, seeking the most complete training of its students, and its connection with the social and economic area of the region, while conducting applied research . This link with the social reality feeds and feeds back into the educational and scientific work. To date have been organized and the following laboratories function:

Laboratory of Health and Road Safety – LaHeRS    
is affiliated to the Department of Social Work at the Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece (TEI of Crete). LaHeRS has been actively involved in the undergraduate education of Social Work students and promotes research in health and safety related areas. Since its foundation LaHeRS has been a partner or a coordinating institution in several research projects under the Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund and national resources ( Besides national funds LaHeRS has an active involvement in projects under international funding schemes (COST "357 PROHELMET"), LdV "LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-008"). LaHeRS has also established strategic partnerships with many Greek and European educational and research institutions to increase its research capacity [e.g. Technical University of Ankara, Department of Psychology,  University of Pavia, Medical School, Centre of Study and Research on Road Safety (CIRSS), University of Hannover, Medical School, Accident Research Unit].
Several European projects that LaHeRS either coordinates or participates in are the REHABIL-AID project: "Reducing the Harm and the Burden of Injuries and Human Loss caused by road traffic crashes and Addressing Injury Demands through effective interventions", the Commun-AID project: "Increasing the capacity of domestic workers of different origins to respond to sexual violence through community-based interventions:, the WOM-POWER project: "Empowering women to fight against domestic violence through an integrated model of training, support and counseling", the Y-SAV project: Understanding and addressing youth sexual coercion and violence as a threat to young people's sexual health in Europe (Youth Sexual Violence)" and the COST Action TU1101: "Towards safer bicycling through optimization of bicycle helmets and usage"
LaHeRS has produced considerable evidence on the above research areas and has authored numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings to disseminate its work (Social Sciences Citation, Scopus, Medline-indexed). LaHeRS has retained an explicit inter-disciplinary character with academic partners from sociology, social psychology, health promotion, social work, statistics, engineering and biomedical informatics.

Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Approaches for the Enhancement of Quality of Life

The QoL Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory in which teaching staff members from four schools of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete participate (Nursing Department, Social Work Department, Nutrition and Dietetics Department, and Electronic Engineering Department). The main objective of the Quality of Life Lab is the promotion of research, education, prevention and intervention in health, social care and the improvement of quality of life through an interdisciplinary approach. The Laboratory’s main research team is comprised of individuals with expertise and experience in their discipline, who have will and strong desire for constructive communication and cooperation for the promotion of scientific progress and the establishment of the laboratory.
Specific objectives:

  1. Development of innovative research methodologies.  
  2. Design and implementation of research programs to improve the quality of life of specific groups of patients, but also of the healthy population.
  3. The use of electronic systems and services for home self-monitoring patients with chronic diseases, but also training the healthy population in terms of prevention.
  4. Establish interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of knowledge with national and international scientific organizations, research centres and higher educational institutes.
  5. Dissemination of research results through the organization of scientific conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and other scientific events, publications and presentations, and various collaborations.
  6. Development of curricula and training materials on improving the quality of life
  7. Providing information to the community through lectures, conferences or seminars, designed to improve the care, the best practice and ensuring quality of care.
  8. Design and implementation of training seminars / life-long learning programs.

Research areas
The laboratory covers the following areas/subjects:

  • Psychology
  • Social policy and social work
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Information technology

Local Community Development Laboratory             
The laboratory of Local Community Development (L.C.D.) from 1994 is a carrier of programs, which are aimed at community development, applying methods with emphasis on Community Social Work without excluding other methods of Social Work composting today a holistic model of work in the community.
The purpose of the laboratory is to educate students to a holistic model of social work, with particular emphasis on Community Social Work, the Community Organization and Development and Research. The primary objective of the laboratory is to develop the community by promoting educational processes that are implemented through education in the social reality of the local social space, research, design and implementation of programs and activation of local government agencies.
With reference to actions-interventions and the L.C.D. programs, characteristic examples can be found in a series of studies on the community profile in rural areas according to Seippel’s model (Seippel, 1974), in the measurement of social capital on urban and rural communities as regards the community, the household and the organizations, in the cultural adaptation for providing health and welfare services, in the planning of preventive interventions for the reduction of alcohol consumption by young people, in the steps taken towards improving the health of women residing in rural communities by calling informal community networks into action, and finally in the reorganization of health and social welfare services for the elderly and caregivers in rural communities by using a series of methods ranging from action research to social epidemiology and GIS mapping and for the recording of health needs and services.

Laboratory of Cross-Cultural Education and Action                  
The Department of Social Work of TEI of Crete has established the "Laboratory of Cross-cultural Education and Action" since 2007 in the city of Heraklion. The main target of the La.C.E.A is to educate students in cross-cultural social work, as well as in the General Social Work in order to build students' capacity to implement the three methods of Social Work (S.W with individual, S.W. with groups and S.W. with Communities). Other objectives regards to students' education are:
The gradual involvement to the activities, programs and interventions of the La.C.E.A.
To build the capacity in the assess and to manage effectively their own emotional involvement, attitudes and prejudices that affect their intervention to an individual, or to a group, or to the community.
To build their capacity in tolerance and to raise the respect towards to cross-cultural issues.
To recognize the role of a social worker and the limits between the different disciplines within the multidisciplinary team. 
The Gradual familiarization and implementation of diagnostic assessment according to the General Social Work and the cross-cultural perspective. 
According to the educational objectives the planning  researches, interventions and programmes, mostly in local level, through collaborative relations for the social integration of migrants in the local community, as well as  for the further  local community development.
Individual goals regards to, initiatives and planning activities for the development of respect for diversity of color, origin, culture, language and religion, the awareness in social issues, e.t.c. In parallel, one of the main pursuing is the contribution of local authorities, institutions and organizations to expand the opportunities, interventions or activities for the orderly coexistence and cooperation within the local communities and immigrants.
In this context, the Department of Social Work has signed an agreement with the Municipality ofHeraklion, the target of which is, the study of the phenomenon of migration and its intervention on issues related to the social integration of immigrants in the social life of the city.

Laboratories of Computer & Multimedia                                       
Laboratories Computer-Multimedia easier for students to the use of information technology and multimedia in the educational process. 
In using the Internet to obtain information of interest to the Social Work.
To use basic statistical data processing programs.

The School SEYP operate three computer labs (H / Y) which can be used by students and faculty of the Department of Social Work and Nursing.

Workshop 1: Free (The opening hours are announced at the beginning of each semester).
Workshop 2: Laboratory courses and free use.
Workshop 3: Laboratory courses.
Primary Education Laboratory                                            

The purpose of the workshop is to exercise Development School of Social Work, in schools, in multicultural and special schools.
Dramatic Expression                                                                        

The purpose of the workshop is to help students, through group sessions motion exercises, expression and imitation to know themselves and realize their operating capabilities within the team. Develop expression skills, communication, creativity and cooperation necessary for the exercise of their professional role.
The purpose of the workshop is to help students, through group sessions motion exercises, expression and imitation to know themselves and realize their operating capabilities within the team. Develop expression skills, communication, creativity and cooperation necessary for the exercise of their professional role.