Academic Staff
Suggested Bibliography
- Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems Wil van der Aalst Kees van Hee, MIT Press, 2002.
- Business Processes - Modeling and Analysis for Re-engineering and Improvement.M. Ould, John Wiley & Sons, Beverly Hills (1995)
- Communicating and Mobile Systems: the pi calculus,Milner, Robin (1999) , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Wide Area Workflow Management:Creating Partnerships for the 21st Century G. Riempp, Springer-Verlag, ISBN:3-540-76243-4,1998.
- Workflow Management Systems for Process Organisations Second Edition,Thomas Schael,Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 1998
- Workflow and Process Automation: Concepts and Technology Andrzej Cichocki Abdelsalam (Sumi) Helal Marek Rusinkiewicz Darrell,Woelk Kluwer,Academic Publishers December 1997
- Workflow Management: Modeling concepts, Architecture and Implementation, Jablonski S., Bussler C. International Thomson Computer Press, 1996
- Petri Net Theory and the Modeling of Systems J. L. Peterson, Prentice-Hall, N.J., ISBN: 0-13-661983-5, 1981