Multimedia eHealth Services

Academic Semester:
Course TypeReference NumberSubprogram
Elective in subprogramTheory: ΤΠ50Λ1
Μηχανικοί Λογισμικού
SemesterAcademic YearHours per week
Winter4thTheory: 3 Lab: 2
PrerequisitesTeaching methodTeaching Language
Lectures with parallel laboratory classesGreek, English

Academic Staff

Faculty in charge: 
tsiknaki's picture
τσικνάκης μανώλης
Tsiknakis Manolis
+30 2810-379885

Course Description 

EHealth is an emerging field in the intersection of the disciplines of medical informatics, public health, ICT and operations research, referring to health services, care services and the provision of information through the Internet and other communication technologies.
Specificity of the term is the mobile eHealth and mHealth, which refers to the use of mobile communications and multimedia technologies, to provide patient-oriented and personalized healthcare and care services.

The course aims to introduce students to the area (bio) medical informatics - a particularly challenging sector regarding development of modern information systems, computer services and value added systems (eg decision support systems).
The course also shows how information technology and telecommunications (ICT) formatting and redefine market healthcare, enabling the development of innovative technological solutions and services. In this sense, the course will introduce and Innovation concepts and methodologies for assessing the impact on society.
The course will enable students to gain a complete picture of technological and other challenges in the region, specialized technological or other standards required for the development of information systems and electronic health services.

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

  • understand the range of electronic services with field application health and its particular - and other technology - features of such services.
  • use advanced technological tools for the development of clinical information systems or electronic services for the health monitoring, patient empowerment and education or their self-care (selfcare),
  • design computational tools to support medical decision making in medicine.
  • understand important issues related to the successful development and implementation of e-health services (business model, organizational business transformation, cost/ benefit analysis, etc.).
  • work with their fellow students to create and present innovative services and case studies (production of new research ideas).

Detailed Course Syllabus

This course is introductory in the wider domain of biomedical informatics and covers the basic modules necessary to familiarize students with the field. It consists of two main sections. The section of biomedical informatics and the one focusing on electronic health (ehealth) and mobile healthcare  and welness management (mHealth ) services.

The first section focuses on the following:

  • Medical information: Types and characteristics (multimedia) biomedical data.
  • Decision-making in medicine - the hypothetico-presumptive approach of medical problems.
  • Specialty multimedia information systems (medical image / video / audio / ECG / EEG, etc.)
  • The Electronic Health Record.
  • Coding of medical terms and medical information classification systems.
  • Interoperability and technological standards on Medical Informatics.
  • Multimedia biomedical information (Biomedical signals and medical imaging, and related technology standards).
  • Medical knowledge and decision-making systems.

The second section focuses on the following:

  • Telemedicine / eHealth applications and mobile e-health services.
  • eHealth enabling technologies (The OSGi framework (OSGi framework, the Universal Plug and Play protocol (UpnP protocol).
  • Wireless sensor networks and their application in biomedicine.
  • Clinical eHealth and mHealth Services
  • Systems and services for the prevention or management of chronic conditions. Each semester the course will focus on some of the following (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, mental disorders (depression, bipolar syndrome, anxiety).
  • Services and technologies for the elderly. Each semester the course will focus on some of the following (Detecting fall and motion estimation, Gait and posture estimation.
  • Personal Health Record (PHR).
  • Technological, economic and organizational aspects of e-health services.
  • Security issues and ethical dimensions.
  • Business and delivery models of electronic services.
  • Methodologies for assessment of the social and economic impact of such services.

Head of the Department οf Informatics Engineering

Deputy Head of the Department οf Informatics Engineering

Address: Department of Informatics Engineering, School of EngineeringTEI of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, P.O Box: 71500
Tel: 2810-379716, 2810-379795, 2810-379853
Fax: 2810-379717

Tel: 2810-379776