Συμμετοχή Ερευνητών ΚΤΕ σε Διεθνή Επιστημονικά Συνέδρια


1. 6th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications (EHAC 2007), Corfu Island, Greece, February 16-19, 2007

2. 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’07), Special Session on Advanced Experimental Infrastructures and Paradigms for NGNs,Athens, Greece, 03-07 September, 2007.

3. IEEE Global Communications Conference, WashingtonD.C., November 2007

4. International Forensic Science & Forensic Medicine Conference, November 2007

5. 8th International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science, CBLIS 2007, Heraklion, Greece, 30th June – 6th July, 2007

6. 16th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers, POF 2007,Turin, Italy 10-12 September

7. IST-Africa 2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 03-05 May, 2006.

8. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, California, October 28-31 , 2006

9. 15th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2006, Myconos, Greece, 04-08 June, 2006

10. International Conference on Telecommunications & Multimedia (TEMU2006), Heraklion,Crete, Greece, 05-07 July, 2006

11. Annual Conference on Telecommunications & Multimedia (TEMU2005), Heraklion, Crete,Greece, 23-26 Ιουνίου, 2005

12. 14th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2005, Dresden, Germany, 19-23 June, 2005

13. 4th WSEAS International Conference TELE-INFO ‘05, Prague, Czech Republic, 13-15 March, 2005

14. 7th WSEAS International Conference on TELECOMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATICS (WSEAS International Conference TELE-INFO '05), Prague, Czech Republic, March 13-15, 2005

15. 5th International Network Conference (INC2005), Samos, Greece, 05-07 July, 2005

16. 2004 WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education (EE’04), Venice, Italy, 15-17 November 2004

17. 9th International Teleworking Workshop, Heraklion Crete, 6-9 September 2004

18. 3rd International Conference in E-activites, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, 24-26 October, 2004

19. 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ποιότητα στις Υπηρεσίες Υγείας, 6-7 Δεκεμβρίου 2007, Ξενοδοχείο Stratos Vassilikos, Αθήνα

20. Συνέδριο «Νέες Τεχνολογίες και Marketing», Ιεράπετρα Κρήτης, 24-25 Μαϊου 2007

21. Scientific Congress “New Technologies & Marketing”, Ierapetra, Crete,Greece, 19-20 May, 2005

22. 1o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Χειρουργικής Παχέος Εντέρου-Πρωκτού, σελ. 46, 25-27 Φεβρουαρίου Θεσσαλονίκη, 2005

23. 12o Παγκρήτιο Ιατρικό Συνέδριο, Ελούντα-Άγιος Νικόλαος 28-31 Οκτωβρίου 2004

24. Πανελλήνιο Ιατρικό συνέδριο, Αθήνα 2004