The scientific and technological breakthroughs in Electronics especially in Telecommunications, Automatic Controls, Control Systems, Computers and Information Technology, demand a constant familiarization with and adjustment to leading-edge technology.
The Department of Electronic Engineering, TEI of Crete aims at providing training of high standards in the field of Electronic Engineering, and at promoting science and technology through basic and applied research.
The Department of Electronic Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete considers its educational role as a constant effort of reforming, improving and updating its study programme along with the provided educational process, so that they meet the modern standards, as they are formed today in the academic, technological, scientific, research, professional and cultural field.
It is important to mention that the Department of Electronic Engineering, TEI of Crete, tries to maintain an eminent position among the Educational Institutes of Higher Education in Greece and in the international educational and research network, as it introduces new teaching methods, it updates its study programme, it broadens its scientific staff with regard to interdisciplinarity and specialization, while it attracts qualified scientists and researchers of high quality; in the meantime, it updates, improves and supports its infrastructure in many ways, focusing on laboratory, educational and research equipment, aiming always at the production of educational, technological and research work of really high standards.
By completing their studies, the graduates of the Department of Electronic Engineering have acquired: a) a thorough understanding and specialization in the field of Electronic Engineering, b) all necessary scientific-technological knowledge and skills in the fields of Electronics, Telecommunications, Networks, Automatic Controls, Computers, Information Technology and Optoelectronics. This way, the graduates of the Electronics Department, with their specialized knowledge and laboratory experience, are capable of being engaged, on their own or in cooperation with other scientists, in studies, researches and applications of technology on modern and specific fields of electronics in the private and the public sector.
Further information on the website of the Department