In September 1999, a new Department was established at the TEI of Crete in Rethymno: the Department of Music Technology & Acoustics. This new Department is unique in Greece and comes to meet the ever-growing demand for specialized technology experts in music and acoustics. Although there has been a great boom in this field lately, there is severe lack of specialized trained staff in a time of constant breakthroughs in electronic technology. The Department of Music Technology and Acoustics seeks to fill this gap with its graduates, who are fully trained in every area of technology concerning production, recording and acoustical engineering, and are capable not only of keeping up with the relevant changes but also to be ahead of them. The Department, also, seeks to become a modern and fully-equipped training centre, in Greece and abroad, by developing research programmes and programmes that promote cooperation with foreign universities.
The goal of the Department is to:
- train students by using modern teaching and scientific materials within the subject field of the study programme, so that they can be competitive in both a national and an international working environment.
- conduct innovative research of high standards in the broader fields of music technology and acoustics
- bring the provided scientific and technological knowledge to society through services and products.
- connect undergraduate and postgraduate studies and research with educational and research institutes in Greece and abroad.
- familiarize graduates with the labour market
- develop programmes of lifelong learning and vocational training
The subject field of the Department of Music Technology and Acoustics is:
- the application of modern technology in recording, analysis, composition, production and management of sound and musical information.
- the science and technology of acoustics
By completing their studies, the students of the Department have gained the necessary scientific and technological knowledge and skills to work as professionals in every field of their studies, in the private and public sector.
More information on the website of the Department