All teaching staff of the TEI of Crete, undergraduate and postgraduate students and the Institute’s administration are committed to the following code of ethics:
- Keep the quality of teaching and research on a high level
- Respect the academic freedom of speech and collaborate with one another
- Deny themselves plagiarism
- Support different views and opinions than their own with respect free from fanatic behavior
- Do not create or stand as a barrier to the academic rights’ of fellow professors and staff
- Use the Institute’s establishments appropriately
- Behave appropriately and they do not take advantage of their profession inside and outside of the institute
- Do not use violence
- Act with integrity competence and discretion
- Avoid discrimination
- Respect privacy
Especially for those dealing with research projects: they are obliged to encourage dialogue and collaboration, give credit to authors and writers of scientific texts and recognize the collaborative work by each one of the researchers.