For more than thirty years the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete has been contributing to the local and international society by providing engineers trained in the wider field of Mechanical Engineering, who have been working in the private or the public sector, plus in the secondary and tertiary education. Moreover, the teaching and research staff has produced innovative products, model-studies and research studies on the relevant technology and science, which are published in the form of articles in the international scientific and technology press.
Using teaching and applied research as its tools, the Department aims at promoting the development and the transfer of knowledge in the field of Mechanical Engineering. In order for the students to acquire the necessary knowledge, the Department has combined the suitable theoretical background with high level laboratory classes and practicum, while its laboratories are fully equipped for conducting applied technological research. The theoretical and applied scientific training provides the graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills that enable them to challenge the particularly increased needs of the labour market in the best possible way. The Department coordinates two interdepartmental master programmes: “Energy Systems” and “Advanced Systems of Production, Automation and Robotics”.
The Department has, also, received significant recognition through its contribution to society, since it has expanded its teaching role to every level of education and it has been offering counselling services that can improve not only teaching in technological fields but also planning a development policy.
Contact Information
Tel: +30-2810379848
Fax: +30-2810379859